Thursday, March 27, 2008

Homework for Mothourie Bolton for March 26,2008

1) The role of assimilationism becomes important because the family is trying toghether to encourage each other to strive for each of their dreams and what they all want.
2) The title of the play, which is a "Raisin In The Sun", it relates to the dreams of the characters because they are all striving for something to grow and prosper. Also this title deals with the characters dreams because they want their dreams to shine and be known as well too.
3) The role of money in the play is important to the family because they need it to get things toghether and they want to get things that they cannot control. It affects different characters such as Walter because he has attitudes and takes it out on other people because he does not have enough money for a certain thing. Leana who is called "momma" is trying to move into a better house and pay off the mortgage as well too.

Homework For Mothourie Bolton For March 24, 2008

Some of the presentations today were nice, but others just needed a little bit more work. I feel as though that everyone did good with some of their products, but they should have done more research in the project. Next some peoples presentations looked as if they just threw it all toghether in one day and did not take their time. I feel as though that me and Jasmine did an excellent job with presenting and speaking clear about our buisness. To be perfectly honest, there were a lot of people's buisnesses that were just copy and paste and it looked as if they stole other people ideas to say that it was their own.
Furthermore, what I believe that people can do better to have a good project and a good grade is do more research, show all of their products, or have samples. Another major thing is that people need to speak more clear so that people know what is going on. But overall, the projects that I seen were nice and somewhat well put toghether.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Homework For Ms. Kincade

A lot of the buisiness were nice. I liked Akira Bowie's presentation because it looked as if she had taken a lot of time and care into her work. Her stuff was put well together and in a manerly order. Akira's pillows were nice and she sales them at a reasonable price and they are worth it. With her pillows, you can sleep well and you can be comfortable at the same time as well. Everything big stars little and it just takes time to prosper and be presented to a lot of people's attention. But overall she did a very good and nice job.

The movie that we watched in Ms. Kincades class was important. It showed that you can make something out of really nothing. The movie showed how people started with their buisinessses being small and then it turned into something bigger and brighter. So I think that me and Jasmine's buisiness will be very successful in the near future for those who are wondering.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Emmett Chappelle

African Americans have made many inventions throughout time. Most times they are recognized, but not enough. We as black people have made such things as the hot comb, toaster, tape recorders and much more. The only time that people really take consideration and recognition for the inventions being made, is Black History Month. In order for you to have a future, you have to know your past. You must also help young children to know these things as well.
Emmett Chappelle who is still alive and is known as a science and researcher and he made contributions in several fields. The several fields are medicine, biology, food science, and astrochemistry. He was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1925 and lived on a small farm with no electricity until he was twelve. Emmett attended a one-room school for several years, but he graduated from a segregated high school that was part of the Phoenix, Arizona district. He was the bottom graduate in his 25-student senior class.
In 1942, Chappelle became part of the army and was assigned to a special unit that involved engineering. While taking part in this he was wounded in action twice, and in 1946, attended Phoenix College and studied electrical engineering. In 1950 Emmett Chappelle graduated with a degree in Biology. Four years later Chappelle earned a master’s degree at University of Washington, Seattle. He studied and worked as a research associate at Stanford University in California.
From 1950 until 1953, he served as an instructor of biochemistry at Meharry Medical college in Nashville, Tennessee. Then from 1955 until 1959 he was an research associate at Stanford University. Going back to 1958 Chappelle joined the advanced studies in Baltimore, which was famous for designing airplanes and spacecrafts. While being a part of this institute Chappelle discovered that one-celled plants like algae, can be transported easily, and can convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. With this discovery in mind, this led to create a safe oxygen supply for astronauts. In 1963, Emmett Chappelle went to work at Hazelton laboratories as a biochemist. After a couple of years in 1966, he joined the national Aeronautics and Space Administration as a research chemist. In 2001 Chappelle retired from the NASA.
Some of Emmet Chappelle ‘s creative work and talents was in the fields of Luminescene, which is light without heat. While designing instruments for Mars and Viking spacecraft, he became interested in bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is warm light which is produced by living organisms. Chappelle used two chemicals from fireflies which give off light when mixed with ATP. This could provide a method of detecting life on Mars. He proved a theory that the number of bacteria in drinking water can be measured by the amount of light given off by that bacteria. Lastly, he also showed how satellites can monitor crops. Emmett Chappelle received 14 U.S. patents and honored as one of the most distinguished African Americans scientist and engineers in the 20th century.
Chappelle is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the American Society of Photobiology, the American Society of Microbiology, and the American Society of Black Chemists. Throughout his career, he has continued to mentor talented minority high school and college students in his laboratories.
In conclusion, Emmett Chappelle has been doing great and is still doing great things throughout his times. He is still continuing to be a great role model to younger people. Emmett has started from having hardly anything to becoming famous and inventing what others would not think of. Everything big starts little and it just takes time to prosper and be known.

Political And Social Changes In The 1970's

There were a lot of issues going on in the 1970’s. Most were for good reasons and others were for bad reasons. Everything and picture has a story to it. Furthermore in order for you to have a future, then you need to know and go back to your past. Most people believe that things such as racism, cultural infusion, fighting, and war was just going on. But, there is much more to that story. In the 1970’s you had such things going on as fashion, films, political and social changes, and much more that went down in history. When you talk about a particular decade such as the 1970’s up until 1979 you might want to do some deep research to have a good and clear understanding. We as a community, nation, and race struggle everyday with different issues that are going on in our lives. Also, we as different races envy each other, just because we want to or just because we feel like it. In order for there to be a change, it starts with me then it starts with you.
The decade that my group is doing is the 1970’s. We decided this decade because we feel as though we need to do particular research in this area up until 79. The part of the project that I am doing is Political and Social changes in the 1970’s. I chose this because I believe that I know fully about all off the other things in the 1970’s such as fashion, film, entertainment, and dance, just from watching movies and doing some research from various decades, following the 70’s. My importance of typing this paper is just to give you a good brief and clear understanding of what was going on in the 1970’s. I am going to just highlight some important events that were dealing with political and social changes. After you read this paper I hope that you gain some true understanding and vision things more clearly.
On January 6,1970 that is where some of the political and social changes really started to come in making people see things differently. Starting with the United States, they had announced that a “Heroin-control Agreement” with France in hopes of halting drug smuggling. Furthermore on the 19th of January, judge Harrold carswell is nominated to the Supreme Court dealing with his civil rights record. February 20, 1970, Henry Kissinger goes to Paris to associate with Le Duc Tho, on the subject of North Vietnam, to ending the Vietnam War. President Nixon announces that the U.S. and South Vietnamese troops have crossed into Cambodia in the attempt to take out communist sanctuaries on April 30, 1970. May 4th, the members of National Guard kill four students during an antiwar protest, in the University Of Ohio. Lastly December 2, 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency begins operation. William D. Ruckelshaus is one of the first directors.
Now we move on to 1971.On January 4th which is an important event, Melvin H. Evans is elected the first black governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Following along with that, an earthquake in southern California kills sixty-five people and causes $500 million in damage on February 9th of 1971.On May 25, 1971 murder charges against the “Black Panther Party” leader Bobby Seale, are dropped and the United States signs a treaty restoring the island of Okinawa to Japan. September 30th, during the SALT negotiations, the United States and the soviet union sign an agreement on ways to reduce the risk of accidental nuclear war. November 5th, the White house announces a $136-million grain deal with the Soviet union.
March 22, 1972, The National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse recommends that private possession and use of marijuana to not be penalized. April 7th, The Federal Election campaign Act goes into effect. The law sets limits and requires disclosure on personal contributions to political candidates. The 1st of July, John Mitchell who was the chairman of the Committee to reelect the President, resigns citing family problems. September 12th, the Senate approves President Nixon’s “33.5 billion revenue sharing plan” disbursing federal funds to state and local governments over a five-year period. October 27, 1972, citing high hosts, President Nixon vetoes nine social welfare, public works and ecology bills. Following in with that angry Native Americans seize the Bureau of Indians Affairs building in Washington, D.C. to dramatize official neglect.
April 11, 1973, the Mississippi Reaches its highest flood level in thirty years. The senate select Committee on Presidential campaign Activities, led by senator Ervin, convinces public hearings to investigate the Watergate affair and other illegal activities conducted by the Committee to reelect the president. Los Angeles its first black mayor who was named Thomas Bradley on May 29,1973. December 6th, Gerald Ford is the new vice- president and Nixon releases his income-tax and he returns and agrees to an Internal Revenue Service.
In June of 1974 Maynard Jackson is sworn in as the first black mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. Also, in June President Nixon conducts tours of the Middle East, Europe, and Russia. August 2, Former White House counsel John Dean, is sentenced one to four years in conspiracy to cover up the Watergate affair. Gerald R. Ford is noted as the thirty-eighth president of the United States. Keep in mind that on August 20th, President Ford nominates New York governor Nelson A. Rockefeller for vice-president. He is then confirmed in December.
On June 10, 1975, The Rockefeller commission on CIA domestic activities reports that the CIA had undertaken unlawful surveillance of three hundred thousand American Citizens and organization and had supplied former president Nixon with information on political opponents. On August 6th President Ford approves a seven-year extension of the Voting Rights Acts. The 14th of November President Ford approves an 18 billion increase in the National debt-ceiling raising the total debt to 595 billion.
January 30, 1976, the Supreme court upholds the provisions of the 1974 campaign Financing reform act. It also requires that members of the Federal Election Commission be appointed by the president, not congress. Then President Ford announces the creation of an independent board to oversee U.S. intelligence operations. He had also issued executive order forbidding domestic surveillance and harassment and outlaws the assassination of foreign leaders. On April 23, Secretary of state Kissinger begins a twelve-day tour of African countries. After April, on July 3-4, the nation celebrates the two hundredth anniversary of its independence with festivals and political events around the country . The largest and most impressive festival in New York , celebrated through a flotilla of tall ships.
April 28th of 1977, The United States and Cuba sign agreements on fishing rights. Then July 13-14, a massive power grips New York City, thirty seven-hundred are arrested during widespread looting. Afterwards, a bill controlling strip-mining is signed into law by President Carter. Furthermore on October 5th Two United Nations covenants on human rights are also signed by president Carter as well. Another important event that occurred on November 1, 1977 President Carter signs legislation raising the minimum wage to $2.30 an hour. Democratic Ed Koch is elected mayor of New York city on November 8.
Second to last we move onto 1978. On January 11, the Labor Department announces that the unemployment rate for December 1977 was 6.4 percent which was the lowest in that three years. On February 6th, New England is paralyzed by the worst blizzard in recent history. The senate votes to extends the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to June 30, 1982. Thirty five states have already approved the amendment. Lastly, The House Select Committee on Assassinations ends its two-year inquiry by concluding that the murders of president John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King jr. were possibly the result of conspiracies.
Lastly, we talk about 1979. On April 3, Jane M, Byrne is elected the first woman mayor of Chicago. Next, More than sixty-five thousand demonstrators in Washington, D.C. and they protest against nuclear power. Furthermore California institutes gasoline rationing in nine counties.

My Group Members

These are my group members that are working along with me on my project. Our group name is "TAAJJ Super 70's". We chose this name because it is the beginning initial of each of our names. My group memebers are:

1) Tatyanna Nance

2) Akira Bowie

3)Alesha Bingham

4) Jasmine Rowland

5)Janay Dempsey

6)Martina Stewart

My Part In The 1970's

Well where I am along the project is I am researching on political/social changes in the 1970's. I am working along with Akira Bowie,Jasmine Rowland,Tatyanna Nance, Martina Stewart, and Alesha Bingham. We all have different parts that we are researching. Now I am just working on doing more research and typing up my 1st rough draft of my 5 paragraph essay. I believe that I can get this done on time and in a safe matter.

Three Artifacts


