My froup member is Tazaray Ramsey. Our group name is "Believe and Achieve"
Our question or topic that me and her are both doing is:
1. Do people remember more in chunks, in numbers, words or colors and do males remember more than females?
**Three Artifacts
Me and Tazaray both believe that in this experiment when it comes to females and males, that females know more that males. We say and belive this because when it comes to females we think more of working going somewhre far in life and making good grades. We do not say yes for the males because when it comes to boys, you have some of them skipping school, some that are not about a lot of work, and others that think eduaction is not an option for them . We are not saying that every male is like this just some. Also, we both belive that when it comes to females, we just know more than boys.
**Reasearch And Facts On topic
Psychologists divide memory into three stores: sensory store, short-term store, and long-term store. After entering the sensory store, some information proceeds into the short-term store. From there some information proceeds to the long term store. These stores are refer to as short term memory and long term memory respectively.
Short-term memory has two important characteristics. First, short-term memory can contain at any one time seven, plus or minus two, "chunks" of information. Second, items remain in short-term memory around twenty seconds.
Long-term memory is stored in our brains forever, according to most psychologists. We use recall to retrieve memories.
Understanding The Human Brain
(1996) Children’s Britannica, Jennifer Cox, Ed., Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 136-141.
Doreen Kimura
The brain is the source of all our behaviour, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We have known for a long time that different areas of the brain are used for different activities - memory, language, problem-solving, and so on. Doreen Kimura, professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario, explains how the latest studies also show that, although all human brains are very similar, there are small differences in the way the brain is organized between one person and another. These differences may underlie some of our unique talents.
We know that people differ in the way they solve problems. We call this their intellectual, or cognitive, ability. We may differ from our friends not only in overall ability, sometimes referred to as IQ, or "smarts", but also in the pattern of our abilities. One person may be especially good at problems involving words, whereas another may be better at dealing with problems relating to real-world objects. Since the brain is the centre for all such activities, there must be some way in which brains differ slightly from one person to another.
For most of the history of brain research, until about 20 years ago, our information about the human brain was obtained primarily from post-mortem cases. This is information from people who have died, and whose brains are studied after being fixed in solutions to preserve them. But in the past few years, new ways of looking at the brain safely in living persons have become possible, so now we are better able to link the abilities of a particular person with his or her brain structure.
Our problem-solving abilities depend mainly on a part of the brain called the cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into two parts called the left and right cerebral hemispheres. These hemispheres don't have exactly the same functions, and this difference in the way the two hemispheres work is called functional asymmetry.
Differences between the hemispheres
The left hemisphere is important for all forms of communication. We know this because when it is damaged, perhaps as a result of an accident or a stroke, there can be serious problems in speaking (this is known as aphasia). After left-hemisphere damage there can also be difficulties with other complicated movements of the mouth, or of the hands and arms -- demonstrating a pout, or miming how to salute or to hammer a nail, for example. It seems that the left hemisphere specializes in controlling certain movements, including the movements we use to communicate. In people who are born deaf and who communicate using hand movements (manual sign language), damage to the left hemisphere can badly affect their signing ability.
The right hemisphere, by comparison, doesn't appear to be involved much in communication, although it can help us understand words to some extent. Instead, it specializes in receiving and analysing information from the outside world. Therefore, damage to the right hemisphere may result in our being unable to tell the difference between melodies, or having difficulty in identifying a face or in locating an object accurately in space. Some parts of the right hemisphere are mainly concerned with helping us understand what we hear (auditory), while other parts help us make sense of things that we see. The temporal lobe (in the lower part of the hemisphere) analyses much of the auditory input, while the occipital and parietal lobes (in the rear and upper regions) provide information about where objects are. The frontal lobes in each hemisphere seem to be important in planning our actions.
Seeing the differences
Although we have known for over a hundred years that the two cerebral hemispheres have these different functions, or properties, until recently people thought that they looked the same. Now we know that there are also small differences in the appearance, that is, in the actual anatomy or visible structure of the left and right sides. These differences are called anatomical asymmetries. Let's look, for example, at the temporal lobe. Part of this lobe is hidden in the Sylvian fissure. This part, important for understanding speech, is larger in area on the left side than the same region on the right side. Babies are born with this difference, so we know that it doesn't develop as a result of children learning to speak. There is also a difference in the appearance of the Sylvian fissure on the two sides, with the left side arching up more gradually than the right. Other anatomical asymmetries between the left and right sides have also been observed.
Right left, left right?
We have seen that the two sides of the brain are different, but how much can one person's brain differ from another's? Research shows that all human brains are very much alike, but there are minor differences between one brain and another. The question is whether these are just chance variations which don't mean anything, or whether it can be shown that they are associated with different traits in different people. One characteristic that might be expected to relate to brain asymmetry is hand preference, that is, which hand a person prefers for most everyday activities, including writing. Over 90 per cent of people are right-handed. We know that fine movements of the hands depend on activity in areas of the opposite hemisphere of the brain. Right-hand movements depend critically on the left hemisphere. This led scientists to believe that the left hemisphere was somehow "dominant" in most people, because it controlled the preferred hand and was also essential for speaking.
At first it was taken for granted that left-handers would show an opposite, or mirror-image, pattern to right-handers, that is, their speech would rely mostly on the right hemisphere. But over time it has become clear that this is not quite the case. Although it is true that left-handers more often rely on the right hemisphere than do right-handers, well over half of them are like right-handers in so far as they rely mainly on the left hemisphere for speech. So how do left-handers' brains differ from right-handers? Research is still going on to explore this question. So far it seems that the temporal-lobe and Sylvian-fissure anatomical asymmetries we described above are less marked in left-handers than in right-handers.
Male and female brains
Whether you are a boy or a girl also determines how your brain looks and works. We know from animal research that substances called sex hormones, produced by the sex glands, are needed to develop the differences between males and females. Sex hormones are necessary both for forming the genitals and for the behavioural and brain differences between the sexes. The hypothalamus, which is a tiny structure at the base of the brain, regulates many basic functions, such as eating, sleeping, temperature control, and reproduction. One part of the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behaviour is larger in male brains than in female brains, in human and non-human animals. In rats the enlargement is known to depend on male sex hormones, called androgens.
Sex hormones also affect other parts of the brain. For example, the outer layer of the cerebrum, called the cortex, is thicker on the right hemisphere than on the left in male rats, but not in female rats. Another recent discovery is that male and female brains in some ways work differently. When set the same task, females may use both hemispheres, while male brain activity is restricted to one side. For example, if the task is to define words, men appear to use only their left hemisphere, while women use both. For many other problem-solving activities however, men's and women's brains work in the same way.
The left and right cerebral hemispheres are connected by fibres running crosswise between them called commissures. The largest and most important commissure is called the corpus callosum; another important connection is the anterior commissure. One way the commissures are useful is in exchanging information between the two hemispheres.
These connections between the hemispheres may also be somewhat different in men and women. The area of the anterior commissure seems to be larger in women, and some researchers have found that the back part of the corpus callosum is larger in women. If the larger area of the commissures results in better communication between hemispheres, this could make some difference to the way men's and women's brains work.
Finally, there is probably also a difference between men and women as to which part of the left hemisphere is responsible for speech and hand movements. There are two major areas devoted to speech, one in the frontal lobe, and the other at the back, where the temporal and parietal lobes meet. In women, the frontal region is more important than the area at the back, so problems with speaking are more likely to happen if the front part of the left hemisphere is damaged. In men, the areas contribute more equally, but if anything the back part, especially the parietal region, is more important.
Evolutionary change
Some of the differences between the ways that men's and women's brains work must have evolved over time. We know that the average man and woman have slightly different intellectual strengths. Some of these differences appear to be the result of a division of labour between men and women going back to our hunter-gatherer past. For example, men are better at spatial-navigational skills such as map reading and judging distances and at targeting skills (dart throwing for instance). These skills probably developed through hunting. Women have a better memory for words and objects, and are better at fine motor skills. These abilities probably developed through food gathering near the home and through making clothes and preparing food.
We know from animal research that sex hormones help determine such patterns, because if the brains of young female rats are exposed to androgens right after birth, their spatial abilities as adults are different from normal females', and more like males'. Similarly, in humans, girls exposed to excessive androgens early in life have better spatial skills than other females. Exactly how sex hormones cause changes in the brain to make one person intellectually different from another is not yet understood in detail, but it is a fascinating subject which is the focus of much current research
Women's brain are about 10% smaller than that of men. 1. Men's brain weigh about 1.4Kg and women's weigh 1.25Kg. Women, however, have 10% more brain nerve cells than men.
2. Women use more parts of the brain than men doWhatever they do, there are much more nerve cells' movements in female's brain than that of male's.
3. Women are sensitive to their emotions When women face a sad situation, they feel 8 times more of sad emotion. Women have 2 times more chances of getting depression.
4. Women are better at language usesFemales read and speak faster than men. Based on a test, women remembered more rhyming words than men did during a limited time period. Also women found more synonyms and color related words. It is because women use both right and left part of brain when they read.
5. Women have better memory then menNew York University conducted a research on memories of both men and women. They were shown some pictures in a certain order for a second. For the result, women had an average score of 105, which was higher than that of men. The psychologist, Dr. ThomasCrook says that women have better memory at any age than men.
6. Women are weak at 3-D perceptibilityWomen depend on existing buildings or landscapes when they are going somewhere. They take a look at the store across the street and the side hills. Men, however, remember the direction with specific distances; they think about heading to west for a mile and then going northward for 3 miles. This is why men are better at parking in even a tiny place.
Male Brain**
Boys show a much earlier specialization of the right brain. This is why they often have trouble in learning early in life
**Males see better in brighter light
**Males react to extremes of temperature
**Males react more to extremes of temperature They are superior in performing new motor combinations and in fine motor dexterity.
**Adolescent boys are more physical than adolescent girls
**Circling behaviour: when right-handed males walk over to a table to pick up an object, they are more likely to return by turning to their right
-High levels of testosterone in males correlate with five behaviours: aggression, competition, self-assertion, self-confidence and self-reliance
-Boys are better at problem-solving individually. In particular they excel in:• -Target-directed motor skills (archery, football, etc.)• Mentally rotating objects• -- Mathematical reasoning Orienteering
Female Brain**
-The female left hemisphere develops sooner than the male one
-Females learn to speak earlier and learn languages more quickly
-The female ear is better able to pick up nuances of voice, music and other sounds. They retain better hearing longer throughout life
-Better distance vision and depth perception Better peripheral vision
-Female eyesight is superior at night
-Female excel at visual memory, facial clues and contextThey have a better ability at recognizing faces and remember names
-Females react faster and more acutely to pain, yet can withstand pain over a longer duration than males
-Females are more responsive to playmates
-Females have a stronger sense of smell and are much more responsive to aromas, odors and subtle changes in smell
-They are more sensitive to bitter flavours and prefer sweet flavours
-Women are more susceptible to the damaging effects of alcohol than males
-Right-handed females are more likely to return by circling around to their left.
-When female hormonal levels (progesterone and estrogen) are higher, their Maths and spatial skills are lower
Do males remember more than females?**
**Males actually have less cells in the way of memory then females. Thus females are likely to remember more, although males are more likely to be better problem solvers.
Remembrance of numbers past
by Rob Eastaway
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Now what was that number again?
In March 2004, Daniel Tammet from Kent set a new European record when he recited from memory to 22,511 decimal places. It took him five hours to complete the task, yet he had barely made it halfway to the world record of 42,195 digits set by Hiroyuki Goto of Japan in 1995.
How do people pull off incredible (if rather pointless) memory feats like this? And is there anything we can learn from them when it comes to more practical needs for memorising numbers � like remembering the code on your padlock, or the PIN for your cashpoint card?
Memory and numbers
Memory is fundamental to the way you think, and you use it in almost every activity. You need memory to learn facts and names, but you also need it to acquire a new physical skill or even to tell a joke. Aptitudes vary enormously from one person to the next, but one person's ability to remember will also vary depending on the task. For example, somebody who has a good memory for numbers might be hopeless when it comes to remembering a joke (I speak from bitter experience here).
Where does the particular aptitude for remembering numbers come from? For reasons that I will explain in a moment, mathematicians are generally better equipped to remember numbers than other people, but it is certainly not essential to be a mathematician to have an exceptional ability in this area.
synaesthesiaFor example, Daniel Tammet puts his remarkable ability to memorise sequences of digits down to the way that he "sees" numbers as colours and images. To him, is not an abstract set of digits, but instead it appears almost as a story or a film projecting in front of him. Tammet has a rare but well-documented syndrome called synaesthesia, in which the stimulation of one of the senses triggers a reaction in other senses too. Synaesthesia manifests itself in different ways, but in some people it means they get multiple sensory reactions when exposed to numbers. A famous Russian "memory man" called Shereshevsky described how, to him, the number 2 always appeared as a dark rectangle. I came across another person who always links the digit 4 with the taste of a tomato. To those on the outside, there appears to be no logic to these associations.
Synaesthetists have a natural advantage when it comes to memory because the brain is more likely to record something in the long term when it ties in with the senses. An event or an object is more memorable when it has sounds, pictures, texture and particularly smell associated with it.
This way for memoriesLike most people, you have probably had the odd experience of smelling, say, an old piece of furniture and being reminded of something that happened to you in the distant past. Smell has a particularly strong connection with memory, perhaps because the part of the brain that deals with smell is close to the hippocampus, which is where it is believed long term memories are formed. If you deliberately surround yourself with a particular smell when trying to memorise something, that smell is likely to help trigger the memory later when you need to recall it.
This link between memory and the senses is the basis of some of the memory techniques that are described in study-aids. One method that is often suggested for remembering numbers is to associate each digit with a rhyming word.
One is bun,Two is shoe,Three is tree,Four is door,
and so on. The idea here is that an abstract number is turned into a tangible object, with all its associated images and sounds. If I wanted to remember the number 24, I could instead remember it as "shoe�door" and picture myself kicking down the front door (this image comes very readily to mind for some reason). The theory is that the memory of the kicking of the door will be retained for much longer than the number 24, so when I try to remember the number in a week's time, I will immediately think of the image and simply convert it back to the number I was trying to think of.
24, obviouslyIt can be a helpful technique for remembering small numbers, but it becomes incredibly cumbersome if you need to remember a number with several digits. 1492 becomes bun-door-wine-shoe. I'm struggling to picture the appropriate bread-throwing incident at Oddbins that would be needed to memorise this sequence. There must be a better way...
The mathematical approach to remembering numbers
Most people who are good at remembering numbers aren't so because of any sensory experience. It is much more likely to be because numbers have meaning for them. Mathematicians have a strong advantage here, because regular exposure to numbers means that the properties of numbers become familiar.
Show a mathematician the number 4832 and the chances are that they will immediately register what sort of number it is (four digits, divisible by two). Sometimes mathematicians can't help playing with the number, too. In this case, you may have found yourself saying 4832, four eights are thirty-two. This sort of play helps to give the number meaning, and to make it memorable.
There have been famous examples of this urge to play with numbers. Alexander Aitken was a professor of mathematics at Edinburgh University whose memory was renowned. He once commented:
If I go for a walk and a motor car passes and it has the registration number 731, I cannot but observe it is 17 times 43. ... When I see a bus conductor with a number on his lapel, I square it ... this isn't deliberate, I just can't help it. ... Sometimes a number has almost no properties at all, like 811, and sometimes a number, like 41, is deeply involved in many theorems that you know.
Now, which one is has the most interesting number?One of the most famous examples of remembering numbers because of their mathematical properties is the story of the mathematician GH Hardy who was visiting his friend Ramanujan in hospital. Hardy had come by taxi, and after greeting Ramanujan, he apologised. "My taxi number was 1729," he said, "I'm afraid it was a bit dull." "On the contrary, 1729 is most interesting," said Ramanujan. "It is the smallest number that is sum of two cubes in two different ways." (For the record, 1729=123+13, or 103+93.)
Often, the patterns and meanings behind numbers will stick in the mind without effort, but if they don't, they can be the basis of a method for deliberately memorising a number. You might use them for remembering a PIN or a phone number, but they can apply to longer numbers too. For example, have a go at remembering this number. Give yourself about ten seconds:
If you try to learn it by rote, you will probably struggle. Short term retention of a number is normally limited to seven digits. Any more than that, and you are unlikely to remember more than the first few digits. (In the above example, most people remember 15222 easily, but after that get increasingly muddled).
But now put on your mathematical hat. Can you spot a pattern within the digits that will make them much easier to remember? There's probably more than one way to simplify the task here, but there is one particular pattern which, if you spot it, makes the task trivial.
In fact the number can be broken into pairs of digits, 15 22 29 36 43 50 57, each pair being seven larger than the previous pair. Now all you need to remember is the starting number and the rule.
Remembering Pi
Not all numbers have such convenient patterns behind them, but within every number there are always subgroups of digits that have mathematical meaning. That even applies to , whose digits are effectively a random sequence.
Here are the first 100 digits of :
Most people would not be able to remember this as a sequence of single digits, but the task becomes easier if you pick out clumps of interesting numbers.
For example, the first ten decimal places include the consecutive numbers 14-15, and then 65-35 which add to make 100. Later there is a cluster of even digits, 846-264. These are both simple series with the second two digits transposed (864 has become 846, 246 has become 264). Gradually you can build up a mathematical story that links these patterns together.
This is the sort of approach that professional memorisers use, though they often combine it with other techniques, for example, converting digits into letters which they then turn into words. A common digit-to-letters rule is as follows:
1 becomes the letter T (a single downstroke),2 is n (two downstrokes),3 is M (three downstrokes),4 is R (r is the fourth letter of four!),5 is L (L is the Roman fifty, which is close...),6 is J (J is a bit like a backwards 6),7 is K (K is like two sevens stuck together),8 is F (a cursive f resembles an eight),9 is P (P is a backwards 9),0 is Z (Z is for zero).
planning a jail break
The start of now becomes M-T-R-T-L-P-N-J-L..., and if you insert a few vowel sounds (which don't count as digits) you might come up with, for example, My TuRTLe oPeN JaiL. Picture your turtle opening a jail and, voila, the first nine digits of pi are memorised. Continue this for 42,187 more digits and the world record is yours.
Fortunately, unless you plan to become a memory performer, or decide to pursue some very specialised areas of physics, maths or astronomy, it is very unlikely you are ever going to need to remember to more than three or four digits. In which case there is a memorable sentence that is all you'll ever need when it comes to recalling this important number:
churning out digits of pi"May I have a large container of coffee."
Count the number of letters in each word of that sentence, and you'll see that the digits of are revealed to seven decimal places.
In the end, whatever number you want to remember, whether it is , a historic date or the code of a padlock, the most memorable mnemonics are the ones that you invent for yourself. It really doesn't matter how quirky your approach is. If it works for you, that is all that matters.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
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