Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Homework For Mouthourie Bolton For May 13, 2008

1. The qoute to me means to me that in order for a better change, that it starts with you first. Also you have to go through some real life experiences in order to make a change and do something about it. Furthermore, if you listen and everyone around you is telling you the same thing constantly, soon you will satrt to take it all in and do it.
2. I believe that this is saying that when when we hear all tyopes of music from different genres, we can understand it more. But, if they just hear a person talking then they can not really get the message. Also I believ that we understand most of these artist sometimes because we have gone through some of the things that they have gone through.
3. I believe this quote is saying that in order for you to know you're feature you need to know you're past. You need to do research and take notes. People will tell you some things, but you cannot believ everything that you hear. So you have to just go to you're past and do some research.
4. I believe this qoute is saying to me that we need to voice our opinions and what we believe. Also I think that it is saying that we need to be proud of our history and who we are. Furthermore, I think that we need to acknowledge our history more, our people, and the struggles that we have been through.
6. This qoute means to me that if you do not know how great you are and the speacial things you do, then no one else will. You have to believe in yourself and know that you are great before anyone else can. Do not doubt yourself or underestimate yourself. Do not let anyone tell you something different from what you belive.
7.This quote is saying that you have to know who youare, what you are, and all about yourself first. You have to because people will try to try you some wrong things in life so you need to know you're history and you're backgorund. You need to know what you want out of life, who you want to be and where you want to go.
The quote means to me the truth will be told by people telling their rel life experiences. Fro example take slavery. A lot of people have gone through this. Most people do not believe or understand this, but if someone that has experienced this certain thing, then people will believe

My Best Essay

The problem is alot of people are homeless. For instance everyday people like myself and I, see a lot of people on the streets with no home. In addition, you see homeless people in parks, whre children go to play at. Sometimes I feel as though I wish thre was something I could do to change the conflict. Consequently, I cannot but I can pray though. Yet, the president should be changing the way these homeless people live. In fact, hopefully with this new president, there will be a better change for the homeless. Finally, I hope that these people get healthier and better.

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